The first thing you should do when you long on to play Castle Age is to fill your Elite Guard. When the Elite Guard is full you have greater strength when you attack and get more points when you quest. Unless you use shortcuts, you can spend up to an hour finding your Elite Guard. By using this shortcut, you can fill your Elite Guard in just a couple of minutes. Here are the steps for filling your Elite Guard using your organization's Elite Guard page. For demonstration purposes, we will be using the STOMP organization.
1. Open up your Castle Age and click the Keep tab.
2. After the Keep tab is open, click on the Elite Guard tab.
3. With the Elite Guard tab open you will see pictures of your 10 Elite Guard if it is full, or empty pictures that say +Add if some are missing. In this picture you can see you need to add two. Next, request new Elite Guard by clicking the box on the right that says Elite Guard Publish to Friends.
5. Now go to your wall of homepage of Facebook and find your request for Elite Guard. Click on the words Join (your name) in Castle Age.
6. After clicking your Elite Guard request, go up to your URL address box and copy the address.
7. Copy your URL address by clicking on the address (It will become highlighted when selected.). Then right click the mouse. A menu box wil drop down. At that point click copy on the the menu.
8. While you have your Elite Guard request saved, go to your orgnaization. In this case we are using the STOMP organization for demonstration purposes. (If you do not know how to find your organization there are two ways: 1. Type in the name of your organization in the Search box and click the magnifying glass to find it. 2. Click on the name of your organization on the left side of your Facebook wall or home page. If you do not see it listed, click the words See All and it should come up.)
9. Find the Discussion page that says Elite Guard and click it.
10. When the page opens, paste your Elite Guard request in the empty box at the bottom and then click Save. (To paste: click your mouse inside the box, right click, and then choose Paste.)
11. Now when your guild or organization members come to the Elite Guard page, they can click on your URL address and add you to their Eilte Guard, and you can do the same with the other members who have left their URL addresses.
12. Let's continue with adding to your Elite Guard. We discovered earlier that you need 2 Elite Guard, so pick an address on the Elite Guard page of your organization and click it.
13. The person you picked will come up and will tell you whether their Elite Guard is full or they have been added to your Elite Guard.
14. Click the x in the upper righthand cornder of that slide and it will return you to the Elite Guard page in your organization. Next, repeat the process by clicking on another name. Once again the person will come up that you selected and tell you whether or not their Elite Guard is full or you have been added to your Elite Guard.
15. Keep repeating this process until the message comes up that tells you Your Elite Guard Is Full. At that time you can return to your Castle Age home page and continue on with your battles.
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