Before the Battle:
1. There is no benefit of you staying a Warrior. It is the default that everyone receives if they do not change it. Clerics are by far them most valuable to the group, because every time you hit someone and win, you give 10 points of Health to everyone in your gate. Mages are the next most valuable because every time you hit someone and win, you take off 10 points of everyone in the enemy's gate.
2. When choosing a characteer (Cleric, Mage etc.) remember you can only do optimum damage or healing if you are at Level 3 in the character you choose. This may influence your decision.
3. To change your character from warrior to Cleric or Mage do the following steps:
a. On your Castle Age homepage, click on Guild.
b. Then click on Management.
c. Next click on Character Class.
d. Finally, click on the characters you want to be.
e. It takes one full day for the changes to take affect.
4. Be on alert for Guild Battles. One of our officers will send out a message to everyone with a link to the battle when it starts, so check your messages regularly. Also keep an eye on your wall because we will blast the announcement of a battle to the wall. Also we encourage you to send out this blast several times during the battle by hitting the green box that says, " ".
5. If you want to coordinate your hits with other members of our guild, download Skype and we will bring you into our STOMP battle room where this is done. We have won many a battle because we worked together as a team to bring them down. See the mini-lesson on How to Download Skype in STOMP to know how to do this.
6. If you do not join Skype, it is a good idea to work with another member via the Chatbox on Facebook. There is a mini-lesson on how to make a STOMP Guild Chatbox in STOMP. In short, on Facebook you click Account, then Edit Friend, click Create a List, name it STOMP Guild, then add the STOMP members, then click Save. The list of members is available in the mini-lesson and can be cut and pasted in a word document and printed for your use.
In the Battle
When you enter the battle you have ten tokens (you get a new token every 6 minutes). How you use those first ten can make a huge difference in whether we win or lose the battle.
1. When you first enter the battle go after "Active" Clerics and then "Active" Mages. (You can tell if they are active if the Activity Points is anything over zero. Zero means they are not in the battle yet.) Take them all the way down to 0 Health.
2. Next take out any "Active" players preferably Rogues first and then Warriors. All active players need to be brought down to zero Health.
3. Then hit all the inactive Clerics first, the inactive Mages second. In addition, look at their health levels and take out the ones with the lowest Health number first. (This way you can increase the number of enemy that has been knocked out faster.)
4. Finally, take out the rest of the inactives. Towards the end, you do not need to take the inactives down to zero, you can take them down to just below 20, and move on.
5. When you are stunned. (This means your Health is down to zero.)
a. Your attack causes much less damage, and you receive less points, but you can still fight.
6. Please choose someone to attack that is a lower level than yourself or a warrior at the same or higher level. (Should you lose to a Cleric they heal themselves and everyone in their gate, Mages damage you and everyone in your gate.) But if you lose to a warrior, no damage is done. If you know you can hit players higher than your level and win, then test them out at the very beginning of the battle where the least damage will be done should you lose and keep track of who you can beat and who you need to avoid. Warn others in the Skype Battle Room of those players that need to be avoided.
7. When your 10 tokens are gone and if the battle is intense with many active enemy, please do not wait an hour to come back. Stay close to the battle and hit the minute your token comes in. You can easily do gifts and fight in other battles at the same time, just keep an eye on the clock and return when you know your token is in.
8. If we are fighting a small army and most are inactive, we encourage you to use your ten tokens and then come back in an hour. That way more of our guild can participate.
Things We Noticed
1. Mages work best in the most active enemy gates, because everytime they have a win, they pull the whole enemy gate down 10 points.
After the Battle
1. Each battle lasts 6 hours and a running countdown is located at the top lefthand corner of the main page of the battle. Should you have to leave the battle early for any reason, note what time you need to come back to pick up your reward.
2. As a general rule, you must pick your reward up within 6 hours of the victory or loss.
3. To pick up your reward, click Collect Reward, then click Enter Shop, and your points are recorded. In addition, you earn gold and experience points.
4. The reason you want to do this is because you can buy other skills added to you to increase your ability to fight in guild battles. Also there is a general that you can earn.
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